Industrial Electrical System

Industrial electrical systems are simply plants with important powers when compared to civilian electrical systems. The introduction of the law 46/90 amended with D.M. 37/08 of 22 January 2008. has finally established certain rules concerning the safety of electrical systems at all levels.
In those Industrials it was proposed to protect first of all the operator, who had to use the machines suitable for production, and the whole electrical system that guaranteed continuity and safety through the installation of differential switches for each type of earth dissipation and switches magnetothermic switches for each absorption of the users, to protect the electric cables. Furthermore, the windings of the copper cables have also been adapted to the non-propagation of toxic fumes in case of fire.
The introduction of the law 46/90, also obliged the adoption of the ground allowing the protection of the operators in case of dissipation through the use of differentials.
Nowadays, the deaths by electric lightning in the Italian Industrial territory are very rare; the fires that occur due to short-circuit, even if still present, are 90% malicious and 10% lack of maintenance.
An industrial electrical system, precisely because of the importance given to this sector, must be designed at the birth, performed with professional knowledge by qualified technicians and above all it must already be prepared so that it can be adjusted in anticipation of any business expansion.
Even in these places, but especially in this type of plant, it is important to provide systems that include the use of renewable energy, which allow the reduction of electricity management costs, heating / cooling and hot water production.

Cascasi Energy has the technical qualifications needed to design, build, conduct and maintain these plants.
Contact us for advice on technologies and an estimate for the construction or maintenance of your system